714-615-1605 | 714-225-7894

Be Healthy. Get Fit and Stay Fit.

Nutritional Tips

First and foremost, your diet has to be on the ball. Getting in the meals every 2-3 hours is a must.

Each meal should consist of 70:15:15 ratio. 70 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent fats and 15 percent protein should be consumed. I would recommend you eating 70 percent of carbohydrates that consists of fruits and vegetables. Starting with soups/salad/starch. Eat very minimal oils or fats. Do not consume any animal fat. For your protein, please eat only lean meat that is very low in fat, eat more fish and chicken breast. Avoid salt and sugar.

Post Training Tips

What to do Immediately post-training (Within 30 min)
The focus during this time period is on shifting from a high stress (catabolic) environment to a low stress (anabolic) environment. Purposeful nutrition and proper hydration begins to allow the body to prioritize toward regeneration. Other techniques that
have proven to be effective in the initiating the recovery processes are listed below:

  1. Self-Massage

    • Method – Use a Foam Roll or Stick to massage muscles that are significantly fatigued or that are chronically tight
    • Purpose     
      – Reduce tension in muscles and fascia while addressing trigger points and tissue adhesions    
      – Stimulate blood flow to the tissues bringing oxygen to assist in tissue remodeling    
      – Shift the body and mind to regeneration mode boosting immune system function including increased white blood cell production
  2. Stretching

    • Method – Actively stretch muscles that are chronically tight or that were emphasized during the session or activity
    • Purpose     
      – Restore tissue length to pre-training state (or better if possible) in order to allow improved posture and movement    
      – Increase blood flow to muscles and fascia    
      – Reduce muscle/fascia adhesions and movement restrictions

Nights after training
Ensure sufficient sleep duration and quality.

– Muscle growth and tissue remodeling             
– Nervous system recovery             
– Improved anabolic environment

Days between Training Sessions or Activity
On the days between intense training and physical activity the main focus should be enhancing the clearing of metabolic waste products from the day before and continue to return tissues to normal length, tension, and quality.  Listed below are techniques which have proven to be effective in continuing the recovery and regeneration process:

  1. Aerobic Flush

    • Method – Light aerobic activity such as biking or walking
    • Purpose     
      – Increase circulation    
      – Clear metabolic waste products
  2. Self and/or professional massage

    • Method – Use a Foam Roll or Stick to massage muscles that are significantly fatigued or that are chronically tight
    • Purpose     
      – Reduce tension in muscles and fascia while addressing trigger points and tissue adhesions    
      – Stimulate blood flow to the tissues bringing oxygen to assist in tissue remodeling    
      – Shift the body and mind to regeneration mode boosting immune system function including increased white blood cell production
  3. Stretching

    • Methods     
      – Static, Active or Passive stretching    
      – Integrated styles such as Yoga    
      – Light resistance exercise to mimic movement patterns performed in previous training session
    • Purpose     
      – Increase muscle and fascia tissue length    
      – Facilitate the assimilation of new collagen    
      – Reduce adhesions and movement restrictions

These are a few recoveries and regeneration strategies that have proven to be effective. Quite possibly the greatest potential for improvement to your fitness program lies in giving your body what it needs to repair and rebuild. Each individual has specific recovery and regeneration needs and priorities.